J’s 3 step program – Ultimate health preeminence

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”-Lao Tzu

Let me ask you this: When was your last self-health check? Don’t know what that is? Let me explain… I feel that people usually wait for the doctor to say something is wrong before they tell it to themselves. It’s almost like: until the medicine man diagnosed you, you are not sick. But… When you get diagnosed, it does mean that you’ve been sick for a while, no? In order to help my doctor help me, I do this thing where I would take a moment and assess my personal health, how I am feeling and doing now vs then, and that’s the “self-health check”. 

The results: I am not really healthy. I’m not out of shape but I am not in shape. I am not fat but I am not skinny. I am not sick but I have been better. I am not – Ahh, I think you get the gist of it. All that to say, I have realized that old age is kicking in. It’s there! knocking at my door, punching me in the guts,  asking me to do something I haven’t done in a while: fight back! Igniting a need to take action and fast.

Therefore, I decided to grab the bull by the horn, and take back control of my body. The goal is to feel better, energized, toned, balanced, happy, healthy, wealthy – think vacation morning glow but like 24/7. In the grand scheme of things, the benefits of a better me are tremendous, my family and friends would love me even more, my work would be even better than it already is, my mind will be so thankful and my future kids are already dancing of joy! Nothing to lose, all to gain in this equation.

I took the decision to take better care of my health starting today to the best of my abilities and I am taking you with me on the journey! This is not a new year resolution but just a resolution: be in my best shape. So, being the efficient procrastinator that I am (or use to be, I do it less now because I plan more), I had already started all the research on what to eat, the benefits of a balanced diet great sleep and physical activities. All that was left was for me to make a plan and choose a date. 

I got to work and set up that plan. I am not going to go full 360, so don’t expect me not to be eating a poutine tomorrow – it’s just unrealistic expectations and I will disappoint you. The game plan is for you to help me stay on track with the below. I will give you a weekly update on my progress for each of the points below. 

  1. Exercice and Meditation 

After sitting in an office chair for 8 to 10 hours, I tend to d the bare minimum. You will definitely see me taking the elevator and not the stairs. I do not walk outside in the winter. I take shortcuts and spend 60% of my free time on my bed (or couch). The plan here is to slowly change that. 

  1. Minimum 7hrs of sleep

That’s the goal. Coming from the holidays it is always a bit tough to readjust your schedule. Between cooking good meals, working, shovelling snow, going to the groceries, writing this blog and having a life. The sleeping portion becomes negotiable where it shouldn’t. I will try my best to get my 7hrs in!  

  1. Healthy eating 

Eating healthy can mean a lot of things for a lot of people. I would even go as far as to speculate that there are as many definitions of a balanced diet as there are humans on this planet. For me, it will be being careful about my intake by tracking the ingredients in what I buy using the app I talked about in my Yuka post. As well as, tracking my eating habits and the benefits/encumbrance of ingredients I ingest.

 “J’s 3 step program”, the ultimate journey to health preeminence. Hoping with this, we will be able to get somewhere in 6 months that is better than today. Thank you for embarking on this adventure with me. Let me know what you think or if you have diet suggestions/things I should try in the below.

On that note, 

Josie Escapes…

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