I’M BACKKKKK !!! Not by popular demand but because writing helped me out the dark times once, I’m hoping it can do it again.

For those of you who are reading this for the first time, let me give you some context. I started this blog in uni, more precisely in my first and only philosophy class. I remember thinking to myself, why should I sit here and listen to how people thought and their ideology when I can just think and create my own. And my writing journey started, I wouldn’t consider myself has a writer as I don’t write with the dictionary by my side and I don’t start the text with a plan. I just open a blank page and spew out whatever is on my mind. When I started the blog, I was in my rebel stressed era, I had started longboarding, questioning life and my personal family life was going through shambles and I was starting to take the bull by the horn and lead my horse myself. Topics such as existence, interactions with human and reflexion on my own life were once shared on this blog. After graduation and getting big girls job, I stopped. I stopped writing about me and tried to make this blog something it wasn’t, because I was afraid of what my colleagues would think and if that could impact my long-term career in this corporate world.

Today, I got out the blank sheet of paper because I am now back at a point where I need it. Sharing a part of me with my readers was healing my inner child and without it I’m lost. I’m stuck in my own mind alone, and I don’t like that. I know what you’re thinking…. :” perhaps you should get a psy and get on with it”. My answer is :” Why would I do that if I have this platform. In French there is a saying that says “quand on se compare, on se console” ( I refer you to google translate) and my intent here is to share and hopefully find people with my struggles and my train of thoughts, maybe I’ll feel less alone in my head.

Now, I’d like to say lets pick up were we left off but a lot has happened since and I’m not really in a play catch up mood. But I will give you a brief update on where I am now, at least relationship wise. Beginning of last year, I was breaking up with a long-term boyfriend (a 2 years on and off filled with high highs and low lows). I dated an amazing guy towards the end of the year but I had put a stop to it when the relationship became overwhelming and me realizing that I was not as religious as the other person. I didn’t want to waste his time and its always best not to drag this stuff along. Career-wise, I spent 5 years at the same company, doing the same stuff. Just a few days ago, I got suggested to “take on a new challenge”, I have had a few other things in the pipeline but none of them ended up panning out, so for now, I decided to chill and do my best at my current work and not rock any boats until I feel better. I’m also in school, and that in itself could be an entire blog as the education system is quite interesting.

Anyhow, this is all the time we have for today, I must now head to my electrolysis appointment as I am now growing a man beard. Which a classmate at uni pointed out one day and said :”Ohhh you have a beard” then was surprised at my startled eyes and added, “It’s a good thing, I’ll tell you after class…” Come to find out, in his culture, women with beard are considered strong and I give off strong women vibes to him. The truth is, I don’t want to be a strong woman. I want to be weak woman, I want a massage, food, warm clothes, passenger princess and all. But I also don’t like people letting me down, so once again, I’ll be leading the bull for now, or forever, who knows…

On that note,

Josie Escapes

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