How to rate a spa experience

We’ve all felt the need to unwind once in a while, whether it’s from anxiety, stress or normal day-to-day runabouts. When we feel like so, a spa day is often suggested by our close ones. Or sometimes you just want some peace and good relaxation.

Choosing the right spa to go to is crucial when wanting to unwind. Whether you want a relaxation quicky in the middle of the week or a full day of rest, having a good idea of what to expect is always helpful.

Here Is How I rate my spa experiences (Josie’s Spa ranking criteria’s), just a few simple steps:

  1. Booking experience.This includes but is not limited to how easy the entire process to book is, how is the website navigation, the payment processing, the instructions, etc.
  2. Accessibility.From how to get there to the parking spot. Is the way there as peaceful as the experience can be? Does the location and entry place environment immediately put starts putting your mind at ease?
  3. Check-in experience
  4. Locker room (Women)
  5. Massages
  6. Variety of experience offered
  7. Food and beverages.
  8. The Zen-effect. Is the spa well accommodated to deal with noise and potential disturbance)
  9. Sanitary. Although we are in a pandemic
  10. Special Point

This is the bonus half-point for extra amenities, ways they demark themselves compared to their competitors

All spas start with 5 stars. Unlike Restaurants, every place with the purpose to make you feel better should always start on the bright side of the spectrum. Then slowly, by going through each bullet point above, they may lose points ( ½ point per item). I then end my review with my overall experience and may adjust the total pointing as I see fit based on this factor.

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